Clean Generic Logo Elements

CS​ 2340

Clean Generic Logo Elements

ho​w to navigate

AN​DROid studio

Te​am 45

Clean Generic Logo Elements

Installing Android ​Studio

Clean Generic Logo Elements

CS​ 2340


Creating a Project

Open Android Studio.

Click [New Project].

Select [Basic Views Activity], then ​Click [Next].

Give your application a name such ​as My First App.

Make sure the Language is set to ​Java.

This will...

  • Create a folder for your Android Studio ​project called MyFirstApp in a folder called ​AndroidStudioProjects.
  • Build your project (this may take a few ​moments). Android Studio uses Gradle as its ​build system. You can follow the build ​progress at the bottom of the Android ​Studio window.
  • Open the code editor showing your project.

Leave the defaults for the other ​fields. (The SDK and Build ​Configuration Language is not ​important for this tutorial)

Click [Finish].

Clean Generic Logo Elements

CS​ 2340

Running your ​app on a ​device/emula​to​r

On the top right, click on [Device ​Manager]

Click on [Create Virtual Device]

Click [Next] until [Finish] appears

Click [Run ‘app’] on the top to run

Clean Generic Logo Elements

CS​ 2340

Adding ​interactive ​but​tons

On the top left, click [App→ res → fragment_first.xml]

Click and pull out a button in [Palette→Common → Button]

  • Click on the button to see Attributes

  • Change attribute settings according to how you wish
    • text = text on button
    • fontFamily = font of button

Clean Generic Logo Elements

CS​ 2340

Displaying ​Second Screen

When the button is pressed

  • Go to app→java→com.example.myfirstapp→FirstFragment

  • Type code in onViewCreated

Using the ​Layout Editor

Clean Generic Logo Elements
  • Find and open the fragment_first.xml (Click project ​> app > res > layout > fragment_first.xml)
  • (Troubleshooting: Verify that you are using Android ​Studio version 3.6 or a newer release if the file ​fragment_first.xml is not visible.)

Lo​oking to the left...

  • Locate the trio of icons resembling above the ​upper right corner of the Design editor. These icons ​(left to right) signify Code - code only, Split - code + ​design, and Design - design only views.

Examine the Component Tree in the fragment_first.xml file. (If it is not ​visible, change the mode to Design instead of Split or Code)

    • In the Component Tree, notice that the root of the view hierarchy is a ConstraintLayout view. Take note that this ConstraintLayout includes a TextView named textview_first and a Button labeled button_first.
    • In the XML code, observe that the root element is <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>. Within this root element, there is a <TextView> element and a <Button> element.

Setting property values...

  • Examine the properties in the TextView element.
  • Click on the string in the text property, and you'll notice it refers to a ​string resource, hello_first_fragment. ​(android:text="@string/hello_first_fragment")
  • Find and open strings.xml (Click project > app > res > values > strings.xml)
  • Change the value of the string property to Hello World! (<string ​name="hello_first_fragment">Hello first fragment</string>)
  • Run the app to see the change you made in strings.xml. Your app now ​shows "Hello World!".

Clean Generic Logo Elements


Co​lor resources

Clean Generic Logo Elements


Code whatever colors you want

Similar to setting property ​values...

  • In the Project panel on the left, ​double-click on res > values > ​colors.xml to open the color ​resource file.

Clean Generic Logo Elements

Austen Tech

Examine the navigation graph

  • Open nav_graph.xml (app > res > navigation > nav_graph.xml).

A screen similar to the Layout Editor in Design view appears. It shows the two fragments with some arrows between them. You can zoom with + and - buttons in the lower right, as you did with the Layout Editor. You can freely move the elements in the navigation editor.

For example, if the fragments appear with SecondFragment to the left, drag FirstFragment to the left of SecondFragment so they appear in the order you work with them.

Enable SafeArgs




Open Gradle Scripts > build.gradle (Project: “”)

find dependencies section in the buildscript ​section, and add:

Open Gradle Scripts > build.gradle (App: “”)

Clean Generic Logo Elements


Add a line to enable SafeArgs below:


Click Sync Now

Create the argument for the navigation action

In the navigation graph, click on FirstFragment, and look at ​the Attributes panel to the right.

Click on SecondFragment, and look at the Attributes panel.

Click on the + in the Arguments section.

In the Add Argument dialog, enter myArg for the name and set ​the type to Integer, then click the Add button.

Sending the count to the second fragment


(app > java > com.example.myfirstapp > FirstFragment)

Find the method onViewCreated()

Look for the section of code that sets up the click listener to go from the first fragment to the second.

Replace the code in that click listener with a line to find the count text view, textview_first.

int currentCount = Integer.parseInt(ShowCountTextView.getText().toString();

Clean Generic Logo Elements

Thank you!

Feel free to approach us if you have any questions.

Clean Generic Logo Elements
Clean Generic Logo Elements
Clean Generic Logo Elements